At that time the right of action gradually separated from substantive right and partly became procedural right. 当时,诉(权)已呈一定分化之势,诉权已部分独立而为程序权利。
The claim right of divorce injury is a substantive right suitable for litigation divorce and registry divorce. 离婚损害赔偿请求权为一种实体权利,既适用于诉讼离婚,也应当适用于登记离婚。
It should be active to promote the reform and the improvement of investment dispute settlement mechanism, skillfully handle various substantive and procedure issues and maintain the right to regulate for public interests. 应积极推动此类投资争端解决机制的改革和完善,妥善解决各种实体与程序问题,维护投资东道国政府为维护公共利益进行管理的权利。
The procedural right helps to realize the substantive right of private party and corresponds to the administrative body's procedural obligation. 它直接实现着行政相对人的实体权利,对应着行政主体的程序义务。
Civil litigants 'jus disponendi originated from the principle of autonomy of private law in civil substantive law. It is a procedural right through the public law reform of procedural law. 民事诉讼当事人处分权是导源于民事实体法中的私法自治原则,而又经过诉讼法公法性改造的程序性权利。
Theoretically the bankrupt procedure in principle should not alter any substantive right's positions around the beginning of the procedure, except converting the individual action into collection. 学理上,破产程序除了将债权的个别实现程序转化为总括执行程序之外,原则上不应改变破产程序开始前后各种实体权利既定的优劣地位。
In the process of judicial adjudication, Chinese always lay much stress on the realization of substantive right, and emphasize individual justice. 在司法审判中,一直以来中国往往注重实体权利的实现,强调个别正义。
In the same time, the unfair of models of extinguishment of essential substantive right can be modified by the way of extending period of limitation and the function of unjust advantage and right of revocation in debt law. 在实行完全的实体权利消灭主义同时,可适度延长诉讼时效期间,借助于债法的不当得利和撤销权制度,弥补完全的实体权利消灭主义立法模式可能带来的不公平。
Litigious right is that litigants ask court hear and decide to protect litigant substantive benefit and right. 诉权是当事人为保护其实体权益或者确认实体权利义务关系,请求法院以国家审判权的名义进行审理并作出裁判的权利。
The Model of Absolute Extinguishment of Substantive Right: Our Choice as it ought to Be in Effect of Limitation of Action& The review of fundamental theory about limitation of action and our new choice when we revise the law ( part four) 完全的实体权利消灭主义:我国诉讼时效效力立法的应然选择&诉讼时效基本理论的反思与我国诉讼时效立法的重新选择(之四)
Right of action is a right a party has to request a trial court resolve a substantive civil right that is in dispute or under irregular conditions. 诉权是当事人因民事实体权利义务关系发生争议或者处于不正常的状态,从而请求法院予以裁判解决的权利。
The concerned nations in the way of concluding bilateral and multilateral international treaties stipulate substantive law, therefore directly ascertain the right and obligation of the parties in the legal relationship involving foreign elements. 有关国家通过双边或多边国际条约的方式制定统一的实体法,以直接规定涉外民事关系当事人的权利义务关系,从而避免或消除法律冲突。
According to the right theory, there are two kinds of rights namely substantive right and procedural right depending on the standard if it can realize substantial interests. 依权利理论,以权利是否实现实体利益这一标准,可以将权利分为实体性权利与程序性权利。
Therefore, it is essential to resolve, in theory, the problem on the relationship between the substantive right and the procedural right. 因此,要建立环境诉权,则必须首先从理论上解决实体性权利与程序性权利的关系问题,这是本文的一个理论难点,笔者作了详细的分析和阐述。
First of all, it analyzes the procedural right in substantive law and demonstrates that besides the right of civil relief explicitly indicated in the legislation, it should also be granted the implicit procedural right through explaining of the law. This right is especially important in China. 首先是对实体法中的诉权进行了分析,证明除了立法明确给予民事救济的权利外,还应该通过解释法律来给予默示的诉权,这一点在中国显得尤为重要。
The procedural right confines and produces substantive right. 税收程序性权利制约税收实体性权利;税收程序性权利可以产生税收实体性权利。
The compliance of removal behavior with social and public interest is the unique criterion in judging if the removal is in accordance with substantive essentials and if the removal right is abused or not. 拆迁行为是否符合社会公共利益,是判定拆迁是否符合实体要件,以及是否被滥用的唯一标准。
Its content includes procedural right and substantive right. 其内容包括程序性权利和实体性权利。
In the criminal procedure law, power factors and right factors are intertwined, mainly are investigating power, power of public prosecution, adjudicative power, supervising power as well as the procedure right and substantive right of the litigant. 刑事诉讼中的权力因素与权利因素交错主要表现为侦查权、公诉权、审判权、监督权等以及当事人的诉讼权利与实体权利。
This paper argues that nature should be substantive rights, the right to form and claim both the nature of that entity the right to say that the compromise that best suits the purpose of the system more practical. 其性质应为实体权利,兼有形成权和请求权的性质,即实体权利说中的折中说最符合该制度的目的,更具有实践性。
Priority is a substantive right which has the attribute of real right guaranteed. 优先权是一项独立的实体性权利,是一项法定担保物权。
The dualism nature of the right to know means it is both a procedural rights and a substantive right. 知情权的双重性是指它既是一项程序性的权利,也是一项实体性的权利。
The nature of civil withdraw is the judicial act and different from the abandon of substantive right and system. 民事撤诉的本质属性是诉讼行为,与实体权利的放弃、舍弃制度等均有所不同。
Subrogation is different from the agency, the formation of rights, management rights, is a statutory right of substantive law, the substantive law the right to claim against the debtor fails to exercise its conduct, not directly the debt. 代位权不同于代理权、形成权、管理权,是一种法定实体法权利、针对债务人怠于行使其债权的行为、不能直接受偿。
Substantively, this dissertation draws on the relationship between the right to sue and the substantive rights and lists out the several categories of substantive rights relating to the information right. 实体法基础,基于诉权与实体权利的关系,论文列举了知情权诉讼的实体权利类型。
Part two is to present the substantive safeguarding function of appealing right. 第二部分,公务员申诉的实体权利保障。
And the substantive terms of person obtain water right is the benefit water consumption. 而用水人取得水权的实质性条件是有益用水。
The direction of proceeding power is essentially the management and control of the time of judicial procedures. It is concerned with the procedure; while the interpretation obligation focuses on the realization of substantive right and duty of involved party. It is concerned with the entity. 诉讼指挥权本质上是对诉讼程序所占用的时间进行管理和控制,所涉及的是程序方面的内容;释明义务关注的是当事人之间实体权利义务的实现,所涉及的是实体方面的内容。
Firstly, the article introduces the concept and species of the lawsuit of civil enforcement, discusses the characteristics of the lawsuit of enforcement and clears it is a relief of substantive right in the enforcement procedure. 首先,介绍了民事执行异议之诉的概念及种类,论述了执行异议之诉的特征,明确其是执行程序中的实体性权利救济方式。
By analyzing three theories on legislative pattern, the author concludes that the substantive right, the right of action should be excluded. 通过对三种立法模式的分析,排除了诉权、实体权对诉讼时效的适用。